What Are the Best Practices for Extra Domain Names?

Is it a waste of money to purchase additional domains, or would maintaining 20 of them be advantageous? This week’s Ask An SEO is addressed by Tony Wright. Elisa from Hyde Park asks the question in today’s Ask An SEO: I have a client who owns about 20 domains with keywords that are closely related to his product. Currently, they are all redirecting to his single website. Does he want to preserve these names? Doing this or even having them has any benefits. Do we need to take any action regarding them?

Although there are no known tactics for using many domains, many people own numerous ones solely to ensure that nobody else will. What should we be doing with all these extra domain names?

Is it a waste of money to purchase additional domains, or would maintaining 20 of them be advantageous? This week’s Ask An SEO is addressed by Tony Wright. Elisa from Hyde Park asks the question in today’s Ask An SEO: I have a client who owns about 20 domains with keywords that are closely related to his product. Currently, they are all redirecting to his single website. Does he want to preserve these names? Doing this or even having them has any benefits. Do we need to take any action regarding them?

Although there are no known tactics for using many domains, many people own numerous ones solely to ensure that nobody else will. What should we be doing with all these extra domain names?

Long-Term: Do What Google Says

My best recommendation is to follow Google’s instructions, and this goes far beyond using different domain names for the same brand.

One warning: Follow Google’s public instructions.

And we all know it’s challenging to follow Google’s advice when indisputable information seems to call for a different course of action.

However, unless you are Mueller or someone of his caliber, you are unaware of Google’s near-term plans.

According to my experience, when Google advises webmasters on something, it might not be accurate at the time but will be the greatest advice for what Google will be implementing soon.

Therefore, if you are concerned about the resources needed to bring your site up to par based on the most recent guidance for Google’s webmasters, start planning the project anyhow. If you want to succeed, you’ll probably need to invest in the improvements soon.

Short-Term: Look For Opportunities

As search engine marketers, it is our responsibility to look for ways to assist websites in providing the knowledge that our end users desire and require. You may use search to promote your content, brand, and website if you approach it from that angle.

The chances lost can be considered when a company invests excessive time and resources in determining which technology would work for their straightforward website.

There are only four or five frameworks that I would regard to be mainstream and mature out of the available hundreds. You are better off utilizing one of the mainstream and established technologies unless your site has a particular issue that is resolved by a particular technology or you have the internal resources to manage a site with cutting-edge features that might not always function as intended.

WordPress and Drupal are two instances of these frameworks. Of course, even these established platforms have problems of their own. But practically every problem you encounter with a mature platform has a published fix. You will lose opportunities if you don’t have the right tools and select a less developed platform since you’ll be too busy battling technology.

Other Reasons For Lots Of Domains

Generally speaking, having many domains for one business is a terrible idea.

You must work on each site that a domain points to for numerous domains to rank.

The site must be constructed.

For the website, you must produce engaging, searchable content.

Every website you create must have links to it from other websites.

Simply said, you must run as many SEO efforts as there are websites.

That can be costly, time-consuming, and pointless to do.

The best choice is to have a single, authoritative domain with a site architecture that caters to all of your audiences.

However, it’s normal to create a modest microsite to promote certain promotions or programs if you have them. Simply don’t anticipate that microsite to rank naturally. Since the promotion usually ends before the best rankings can take effect, you don’t want those sites to rank organically. Additionally, you can have common typos that people use to search for your website. If that is the case, I do advise purchasing those typos and using a 301 permanent redirect to send them to your primary website. You may be facing more serious issues if you are concerned that people will purchase domain names that you do not own and steal your traffic.

You cannot possibly imagine every scenario that could harm your brand. Only invest in domains that cause concern within your company. Even if someone discovers a domain has already been purchased, they will still try to harm the reputation of your business. You must be equipped to respond to irate clients. Domain name acquisition is not a response.



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