How Can We Boost Older Content Rankings? Query An SEO

On Google’s pages four and five, Faith has content that hasn’t changed in a while. How can she raise her standing right now? Adam Riemer of Ask An SEO answers. How can you assist already-established websites in gaining popularity and rising in search results? In this episode of Ask An SEO, Faith poses this query. I have a couple of terms that are showing up on the fourth or fifth page of Google, the woman wrote. It has been a year since this position was ranked. What should I do right away to raise my ranking?

In this episode of Ask An SEO, Adam Riemer from Adam Riemer Marketing responds with Miranda Miller, Writer & Editor. A crucial initial step, according to him, is assessing internal pages that might be competing with your candidates for optimization. Enhancing Core and Page Speed Additionally, Web Vitals may present you with fresh chances to raise your ranks. Adam outlines a step-by-step procedure for identifying chances to enhance current content with local schema, enhancing the user experience on the website, obtaining links from pertinent media sources, and more.

Ask An SEO: Improving Rankings With Adam Riemer [Full Transcript]

Miranda Miller: Thank you for visiting Ask An SEO. We have Adam Riemer from Adam Riemer Marketing,, with us this week. This week, people are asking you a question that comes from Faith. A few keywords related to faith are on the fourth or fifth page of Google. She wants to know what she can do to raise those ranks now that they have been consistent for over a year.

Adam Riemer:  Okay. That’s a great query that comes up far too frequently. I have a lot of clients that I must deal with that. Well, I don’t have to deal with it, but I do get to help a lot of clients with that issue.

Improving Rankings For Existing Content, Step By Step

Adam Riemer: And basically, the first thing I do is grab a tool, whether it be Authority Labs, SEMrush, or Ahrefs; I believe they all do this. I’ll also check to see if any pages are contending for those spots. And is there perhaps one that has an indent after it? Then I’ll ask myself, “Okay, well… do both of these pages need to exist?” If there are no rival pages and there is only one, I start by examining the page’s user interface and ask, “Okay, why isn’t this the optimal experience for the user or the search query?” Following that, we start to address the question of whether we adequately explained the topic.

Does the article meet its potential?

Is it Properly Formatted? Could it be a Little Bigger?

One thing I’ve occasionally had to do recently is. Recently, I had to remove most of the material from a case study on my website since it was written to meet a minimum word limit rather than to truly share the facts. From there, we were able to propel our clients to the very top. If everything is fine and your copy is excellent, another thing you might do is start to look at Page Speed and Core Web Vitals. Although it won’t have much of an impact, when it does, it will increase traffic conversion and lower bounce rates. Building internal links from contextually relevant content is another thing you may do. You should not simply link to that page based on its keywords. Create a content strategy. Look up earlier articles. For instance, if you’re using WordPress, you can log in, select Posts, and then select Pages. You repeat this process twice while typing the keyword or a variation of it. A list of the real pages that refer to this will then be displayed. And from there, you may begin creating words.

Also included are search operators. Your website will be searched for instances of that particular keyword or phrase used wherever on it when you enter your URL and the keyword phrase inside quotation marks. You now have a list of pages from which you can create internal links. You might also consider working in PR. Therefore, if your page or material is good enough, you may be able to get bloggers or large media to link to it.

Tips For Local Businesses

Adam Riemer: Try to do it that way if you’re local by using local websites and complementary businesses. If it’s good, you will start to see climbing, albeit it won’t happen right away. Giving you an anchor or a backlink on a product page if you aren’t the manufacturer is pointless. Create content that is worthwhile for linking to gain backlinks, convey authority to the website, and do this.

These are all many methods by which you can leap from pages four and five of Google to the front page and possibly beyond it.

Don’t Forget About Schema

The schema is the final area to examine, however, it probably ought to be done sooner. Many individuals overlook the fact that updates its libraries regularly. Therefore, you should enter and ask, “Do I have everything here?” Added a video, did I? Do video object schema exist? Is there a FAQ section here? Is there a FAQ schema, or did I add some? You can nest it in the has part section of the schema if it is labeled as an article because, perhaps, you are the publisher.

And those usually are… You can get your page up to page one of Google while obtaining some highlighted rich results by moving it from the fourth and fifth pages.

Evaluating A Visitor’s Page Experience

Miranda Miller: That is fantastic. I appreciate the information, Adam. I’d want to ask you a couple more follow-up questions. I was curious if you used any tools to aid in your evaluation of the page experience, or the user’s overall experience on that website and on that particular page. What are you searching for, or is it primarily a manual process?

Adam Riemer: Depending on what I’m directly looking at on the page. I will utilize if I see that it’s merely moving extremely slowly. The waterfall is extremely simple to analyze using that tool, and they’ve recently included Core Web Vitals, which is identical to what you’ll see in Search Console. I may then say, “Okay, this is rendering first,” in that manner. We may move this to the end because it is coming or is being retrieved before we begin rendering the page. It’s unnecessary to have it there. All the typefaces and other elements that are causing the page to load slowly can be found. Since everything is there in front of you, we can also search for scripts and code that are no longer in use. Another thing I’ll do is that branding people frequently enter the room and state, “No, this is the messaging we must employ. And this is what we desire for our endeavor, for our service, product, or piece of content. Even though they want that. The final user and these search engines do not hold that opinion.

And if you’re not going to communicate with your users in the right way, you won’t be able to attract them. To find out what this means, I ask the students or members of the same branding team to join me on a video chat outside while we read the top paragraph and the H1 tag aloud. How can we help? What are we to do? People frequently struggle to respond and have no notion. And it makes the point very clear. A Fortune 500 CEO was forced to stand outside and admit that what his branding team forced us to put on the website did not turn out well. However, it brought home the point that nobody is aware of what we do, what we offer, or what the intended subject matter of the piece is.

Okay, let’s keep the messaging while keeping branding and tax; this is a wonderful method to start making it resonate. There is therefore a decent equilibrium. Therefore, it simply relies on the objective and what we’re looking for in terms of the page experience.



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